Thursday, February 25, 2016

Closet Organization for a Small Space

It can be difficult to maintain an organized, clutter free closet which contains all of your clothes, shoes and accessories- more so if the space in your closet is minimal. With a little creativity and an ability to think outside the box, you can transform your tiny closet into a model of efficiency. Here are some tips:

Shelve it!- Invest in some “floating” shelves- which are generally inexpensive and easy to install- for your shoes or handbags. These shelves can be installed along a bare wall in your closet, creating functionality in even the tightest spots.

Repurpose your bureau- Moving a chest of drawers inside your closet can maximize vertical space while still providing storage. Placing folded sweaters or T-shirts inside the bureau drawers can free up rod space while still maintaining a tidy, organized system.

Hanging racks make a difference- Hanging racks for shoes, scarves or jewelry can help to keep the clutter to a minimum without sacrificing space in your small closet.

Use accessories as art- Armed with a few Command hooks and a little artistic flair, you can turn your commonplace accessories into a decorative statement inside your closet. Consider hanging vintage hats or designer purses on the wall using the hooks a little bit of functional art.

Clear the clutter- Perhaps the most obvious solution to tidying a tiny closet is to purge some of its contents. Be honest about which items you have really worn in the past year, and donate the rest to a charity or give it away to a friend. Any designer or vintage items you no longer use may even fetch a nice price on eBay!

Any suggestions on how to maximize your closet potential? Let us know in the comments section.

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